023 9278 2987 jeff@jeffreylane.co.uk

Cancer: The ‘C’ Word

I have a wide experience of working with individuals and couples who have been affected by cancer in themselves or loved ones and many people have reported feeling supported on their individual cancer journey by exploring their experiences with me. 

Cancer is a word that has the capacity to terrify and unsettle most people.

Whether the illness is diagnosed or even suspected, it seems everything changes in ways which may not have been anticipated or expected. For the patient and their family and friends, the word cancer somehow shifts everything.

Exploring the cancer journey with counselling

From first suspicions that something serious may be wrong through diagnosis, treatment, recovery and possible also onto relapse and ultimately death, cancer is a very individual journey which affects people in very different ways.

I have a wide experience of working with individuals and couples who have been affected by cancer in themselves or loved ones.

Many people have reported feeling supported on their individual cancer journey by exploring their experiences with me. 

“Cancer is a word, not a sentence.”

John Diamond

“The medical world may know how to kill off a tumour, but it doesn’t know how to rebuild the self esteem that the tumour busting treatment ruined in the process.”

Lisa Lynch

“I think cancer is a hard battle to fight alone or with another person at your side, but I will say having someone to pick you up when you fall, stand by your side through every appointment and delivery of bad news, is priceless.”

Jenna Morasca

“Since I had cancer I’ve realised that every day is a bonus.” 

Geoffrey Boycott

“Cancer opens many doors. One of the most important is your heart.”

Greg Anderson

 I’m in good shape. My cancer means I have lost a lot of organs and I’m a lot lighter. I have devoted myself to yoga and I’m doing handstands.”

Eve Ensler

“Movies are fun, but they are no cure for cancer.”

Clint Eastwood